In Him we shall be raised: Alleluia! Alleluia!
In Him we shall be raised: Alleluia! Alleluia!
At the Resurrection human life was changed forever. From the crucifixion of an innocent man, from the fear of His disciples, from the very death of God made man – from injustice, tragedy, confusion, and darkness – came forth light: the promise of eternal life newly revealed!
For if we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was
Romans 6:5
This year many Christians celebrate Easter in lock-down and isolation. Many mourn the loss of loved ones. Many live in fear and pray still that the plague might pass them over. Many do not know how they will find work or sustain their families through the coming months. Sickness and death haunt us all. Yet, amidst the very darkest of these days, the truth is proclaimed: Jesus Christ lives – the light of the world.
“In him was life, and the life was the light of men”
Jn 1:4
At the Resurrection our hope is born. In life and in death, we anticipate life eternal. Through hope, may all of us in the coming days and weeks find peace and joy in our Risen Lord. Let us unite our suffering to His suffering and draw close to Him this Easter in His glory. Just as He suffered death and was raised from the death, He encounters us today in our time of crisis and restores life and light and peace to us.
I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life
Jn 8:12
Our hope is in Him. From the darkness of this plague, He will draw forth among us new cures, new customs, and closer bonds among families, friends, and nations. Let us pray that we receive and cultivate what He offers, that He might draw forth a new culture of love, an economy obedient to His Law, His Kingdom revealed among us. Our hope in Him shall not disappoint.
All things work for good for those who love God
Romans 8:28
Henry Cappello
President & Founder
Caritas in Veritate, CiV Global