Hold to Truth and Peace

Hold to Truth and Peace

Holt to Truth and Peace

What we read and hear and see shapes our thoughts and our beliefs, our feelings and our actions. Jesus said to us,

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful

Today, I imagine Jesus would say to us something like this:

Do not be shaken by what you read, by the news, or by COVID-19, nor by its devastating effects. Do not let fear take root in your hearts. Hold to the truth. I am the truth. Have courage. Comfort one another. Support each other, for this shall pass. Remain in my peace;

“because I live, you shall also live”

Whence comes our courage, our hope? During this Easter season we continuously recall our Lord’s Resurrection – an event as real and as important as His Passion and Death upon the Cross. The Resurrection is no mere afterword but a confirmation of Christ’s identity as the Only Begotten Son – and a confirmation of the truth of His promises to us, that He is with us and that His words will come to pass. It is this holy and superabundant evidence which draws us to place of hope and trust in Him.

If you abide in my word…you will know the truth, the truth will set you free


My trust, Lord, is in You. Merciful Father, in this time I bring to you all those suffering with the virus, those who mourn loved ones lost, some of them our friends and family. I bring to You others suffering economic hardship, employers and employees. I come to You in hope. Grant us your comfort! Heal us and raise us up! For “your word is true” (Jn 17:17) and your promises trustworthy! In You is our peace. Amen.
Picture of Henry Cappello

Henry Cappello

President & Founder
Caritas in Veritate, CiV Global