This is a defining moment

This is a defying moment

This is a defining moment

We are living in a defining moment – a moment in which the contours our lives are reshaped henceforth!
Like WWII, which divided Europe along the borders we know today, and like 9/11, which transformed travel and security worldwide, COVID-19 has altered the world.
Beginning in the Far East and the West, we begin to emerge from lockdown. All suffered isolation, and in that isolation many suffered grievous loss.
So that we might encounter one another and through one another our Lord, I respectfully submit to you that this is a time for repentance, for reversal, and for reset.

Come to me who are burdened and tired and I will give you rest

Our ways of life from before the pandemic will never return exactly as they were. Thus the present time serves as both a challenge and an opportunity for us to assess our life and to prepare for a “ post covid ” world. The world has indeed changed! All of us must adapt – the Church, business, academics, medicine, seniors, families, youth. Christ calls us today to repent and to take up our responsibility for the future lives that now lie before us.

I am the way, the truth, and the life

Repentance and taking up our responsibility mean a reorientation of our life, so that He is the center of our lives. A new mind set is needed. Then the dynamic of our brokenness is reversed . From Him shall our renewed ways of life flow, for He is the Truth. He shall be the standard by which we measure all that we do.

The truth will set you [us] free

This is a time of transition. It is a time to reset our life, to break from the past – a break that may be subtle, but one that is decisive nevertheless. It is time to prepare ourself for the lives that lie ahead. We will face new poverties and needs and uncertainties, but also new opportunities await. Let u be prepared. The Lord is with us and in Him we shall find our peace


Jesus, in You I have new hope for the world. Blessed are you, merciful Lord. In the night of my suffering, I heard Your voice in silence. By your grace, You turned my soul to repent. Send me to do Your will, Lord. This time, I long to journey with you. Amen.

Please prayerfully consider

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Picture of Henry Cappello

Henry Cappello

President & Founder
Caritas in Veritate, CiV Global