Bread of Life: September Reflection

We have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us
2 Cor 4:8
This powerful and familiar verse from Corinthians forms part of a wider narrative. Paul is focusing on the importance of the apostolic mission. He himself felt a strong call to help the Corinthian community who were in the midst of a crisis of confusion. In doing this he has to go through some personal humiliations and hardships. As today’s missionary disciples we too may find ourselves in situations where we need to witness and minister to those in difficulties and confusion.
Paul is keen to emphasize that the mission comes from and belongs to the Lord and only He can open the doors. Therefore, in Christ we are partners, envoys of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Earthen vessels are containers made from porous clay. We can only fully hold the treasure when we are willing to surrender and allow ourselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Where in my life am I resistant to the Holy Spirit?
“We have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us”

2 Cor 4:8

Paul is confident in his proclamation because he knows that everything comes from the Lord and is given in the power of the Spirit. He makes a sharp contrast between his mission and that of the false messengers who were peddlers of God’s word often for their own gain. Whilst we may not identify with the false prophets that Paul is speaking about there can be a temptation to do things in our own strength. For this reason, Paul needs to remind us that we are only earthen vessels. This image alludes to our origins
“God fashioned man of dust from the soil.”

Gen 2:7

We have humble origins and yet the Lord entrusts us with his treasure. He transforms the dark dusty clay of our lives into the lightness of his glory. We in turn share this radiance and treasure with the world. Just as at creation God breathed life into the man of dust, so too, will he breathe his Spirit into our bodies of clay. Are we willing to believe that the overwhelming transcendent power of God within us will enable us to deal with any manner of difficulties and challenges that we may face?

We pray: Lord help us to respond to your missionary calling with boldness and courage. May we recognize our poverty and be fearlessly open to the work of your Holy Spirit.

“There is no greater freedom than that of allowing oneself to be guided by the Holy Spirit, renouncing the attempt to plan and control everything to the last detail, instead of letting him enlighten, guide and direct us, leading us wherever he wills”
(Evangelii Gaudium 280)
Picture of Michelle Moran

Michelle Moran

International Evangelist, co-founder of Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism, England, former President of ICCRS.

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