Executive Summary Debra and Banush Project CiV Education
Ethiopia: Executive Summary Debra and Banush Project CiV Education
Eparchy of Bahir Dar Dessie in Ethiopia. It is the youngest and largest among the entire dioceses – region, and one of the least developed or industrialized regions of Amhara, Benshangul Gumuz and Afar Regional State. It has urgent needs for different socio-economic services such as education, health services; gender, mainstreaming, peace and justices, water, integrated agricultural developments, environmental protection and social rehabilitation projects and programs. Caritas in Vertiate - USA through our local partners are concentrating in thus region of about 250,734 sq.miles Almost all of the three regional states are facing enormous challenges of poverty drought, HIV/AIDS and poor infrastructures. CiV is concentrating on eradicating extreme poverty through farming and education.
Debrah and Banush Projects
The two projects for schools in this region are in Debra Marcos and Another project in Banush (Gummus village in forest). In these two regions we are constructing class rooms and supporting the education infrastructure, The project includes, water wells, water irrigation, water system for locals.
Eradicating Child and Women Labour
Traditional Practices in Gumuz Society involves physical hardship on Ethiopian women and children.experience throughout their lives.Such hardship involves carrying loads over long distances, grinding corn manually, working in the homestead, raising children in very confined spaces with very poor sanitary conditions, and carrying heavy loads of water over dirt roads, in extreme heat, many times for one to two hours barefooted. CiV is committed to open “water wells” in the different areas for easier access. CiV is involved i the education to break not only the cycle of poverty but in eradicating discrimination through sociocultural practices many times discriminating women and children, though forced labour, fewer opportunities than men for personal growth, education, and employment, for ownership of land and property, for freedom of marriage and inheritance. Over 85 percent of Ethiopian women reside in rural areas and living dire conditions, CiV is involved in wholistic approaches and work in the region.
CiV is committed to Education through:
• Empowering the often-forgotten children of Africa through education.
• Creating A literate, empowered, and self-reliant society.
• Enhancing the potential of needy children and their families to meet their basic needs through access to education and economic empowerment.
The Goal of CiV in Debra and Banush
To effectively contribute to equitable access to education for needy children in the region. This is done through a curriculum that meets all the national education standards, in addition to the inclusion of education in conflict-resolution, peace education, music, dance and drama, and sports, as integral parts of the overall CiV’s education program. The long-term goal fulfillment of CiV are two-fold: 1. Expanding of the two schools/ campus 2. Sponsoring for individual students for at least for 12years and up to university if it is required.
Project: Expanding the School, and Dormitory
In Banush and Debra, several children who do not know their parents, who are from refugees camps from nearby Sudan or who are orphans are by offered CiV partners the possibility to be hosted by the community linked to the school. This prevents many times abuse and forced child labour. The children in our schools are offered three meals a day, hygiene and basic healthcare. Some children who prefer to stay at the school premises are being hosted in dorms built adjacent and supported by a local community.
CiV is presently engaged in construction of a multipurpose hall , two (2) classroom blocks, girls dormitory, boys dormitory toilet facilities, kitchen/cafeteria/ dining room, clinic and sport ground. Sponsoring of children and their guardians for the children to be able to attend school is vital as otherwise they will be sent by their guardians to work. This grant request is part of a larger educational project in Ethiopia for 154,800 USD. To date more than 380.