Our Vision
» Reach out to young adults and young professionals who are at risk of suicide
» Prevent suicide, one person at a time
» Connect with those who are suffering in silence
and isolation
» Promote a culture of communion, compassion, and life vs. a culture of disconnect, despair, and death
» Network with good therapists and healthcare professionals with Christian anthropology
» Hope in exchange for despair
» Social integration and friendship in exchange for isolation
and alienation
» Healing and growth in exchange for pain and shame
» Launching a specifically directed social media platform and the Hope4You (#H4U) app
» Organizing small “connecting events”
» Helping break the cycle of disconnection and isolation
» Connecting with professional treatments and therapies
» Providing a safe space in and through the outreach of # The Place—an environment embodying empathy, accompaniment, and growth
OUTREACH # The place
» A safe space
» A non-threatening environment—not a clinic, nor an office, nor agency—that feels more like a home with a spacious, welcoming and peaceful lounge serving as “a cafe” with books, reading materials, and internet for work and other resources that help to connect and to de-stress—where suffering young people can feel safe sharing their needs and seeking help.
» Strategically situated in areas with high concentration of youth
» Managed by trained staff/volunteers who welcome and accompany every person.
Shout Out
Services of # The Place include:
» Events such as “Awareness Evening”
» Trust-building dynamics with personal care and support
» Referrals to a network of best healthcare professionals and services
» Scholarships for professional fees when needed
» Offering events geared towards life skills training,
» Spiritual accompaniment on the journey to full recovery and integration
Unless we act!
Suicide impacts all ages, ethnicities, race and social class. No group is spared.
» Globally, 800,000 die by suicide annually; 20 million attempt suicide annually
» In the U.S. suicide among youth ages 10-24 increased by 47% between 2007-2020
» Almost 48,000 deaths occurred by suicide, and 1.4 million suicide attempts in 2019 alone.
» In Arizona suicide is the 8th leading cause of death— an increase of 40% between 2016-2020.
Millions are bereaved by suicide cases and a great number of families have been devastated by those who attempted to take their own lives.
HOPE2033@Arizona is primarily a Portal to Life.
Initial funding of 1.5 million USD required:
To establish the outreach # The Place
To develop a social media platform and the H4U app
To train and maintain volunteers and staff
To create a network of healthcare services, clinics, hospitals, and healthcare professionals (guided by christian anthropology) collaborating with HOPE2033@Arizona