Prayer for Reparation and Healing
"Receive, Lord, my whole heart, my whole soul, my whole strength, and my whole mind, that I might participate fully in Your sacrifice for the atonement of sin. Send upon Your people the Church a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, so that You might sanctify her, cleanse her of every stain and heal her of every wound of abuse, and present her to Yourself in splendor, holy and without blemish, for the salvation of the world and the glory of the Father. Amen." (Ben Martin)
October 8th - June 9th
Prayer for
Reparation and Healin
Never again to every form of abuse
CiV Partners
Caritas in Veritate and our friends stand in solidarity with our vulnerable brothers and sisters around the world, particularly those who have suffered abuse in any form, and in commitment to a culture of life and care that says "never again to every form of abuse" and that cries out for the mercy of God (Letter to all Catholic Faithful).
To this end, we will observe a campaign of Prayer for Reparation and Healing, beginning on October 8th - Feast of Our Lady of Victory - and ending on June 9th - Pentecost Sunday.
On October 8th and on every Wednesday until Pentecost, we recommend one or more of the following penitential or formative practices:
- fasting from one meal,
- attending Eucharistic adoration,
- attending daily mass.
On October 8th, on every Wednesday until Pentecost, and on Pentecost Sunday, we ask you to pray with us the above prayer.